How to Avoid Ghosting When Carrying Out Concrete Repairs

Concrete ghosting refers to the formation of shadows and dark lines and patches when you apply a fresh concrete mix or coating over an old concrete structure. Concrete ghosting is common during repairs, concrete coating, and resealing, and it can significantly affect the appearance and appeal of the structure. It occurs due to alterations in the cement paste such as the water-cement ratio, aggregate segregation, and other issues that can affect how the concrete mix cures during repairs. You can prevent concrete ghosting and maintain a beautiful appearance even after repairs by observing the following measures.

Prepare the area adequately

One of the primary causes of ghosting is the failure to prepare the surface properly for the fresh concrete mix. For instance, the tape that is used in marking out the area and other applications leave the sticky glue behind. You may not be able to see the glue, but it will prevent coatings and sealants from penetrating the surface. It may even cause the concrete to resist the sealer altogether. The result will be streak lines after applying the concrete, and they are irreversible. The only thing you can do is remove the concrete and apply it afresh, and this can be quite costly.

Invest in a base coat

Even when carrying out concrete repairs, it is critical to use a base coating before pouring the cement mix. Invest in an epoxy-based coating for concrete constructions. The base coat ensures a good bond between the existing concrete and the new mix. Consider using a base coat together with broadcasting sand, apply the mix onto the structure and leave it to dry for a day. The next day, clean the surface to get rid of the excess sand them apply the fresh concrete mix. Doing this will allow proper bonding and curing of the concrete, and it will prevent the formation of ghosts or shadows after the application.

Cure the concrete properly

Curing is a critical step in the concrete application process. During curing, the concrete should not be allowed to breathe as this will cause variations in the process. Whether you use plastic or cardboard to cover the concrete for curing, make sure that the material will not allow for breathing, and it will protect the concrete from spills and stains. Do not leave cans, wood, or other construction materials on top of the curing concrete as they will leave marks which will affect the surface appearance. Keep the area clean and free of debris until the concrete is properly cured.

Ghosting is irreversible, and it can ruin the appearance of your concrete floors or countertops. Follow these tips to avoid it and ensure a smooth surface after the application. Better yet, hire a qualified contractor for the project so that they can employ professional techniques to prevent ghosting. For more information, contact companies like Liquid Rock Constructions Pty Ltd.
